Assalamualaikum, hello everyone!
Just for share my final project for journalism class.
May this writing will help and aspired students outside in order to keep struggling in their study.
“As a Muslim, we need to do everything in our life with jiddiyyah,” said Nurul Iffah Binti M A Zaabaa, one of the excellent students from the Kulliyyah of Islamic Revealed Knowledge And Human Sciences (IRKHS), who was majoring in Fiqh and Usul Fiqh at International Islamic University Malaysia (IIUM).
The twenty-four years old beautiful and excellent lady is ex-IIUM’s student who constantly received the Dean’s List every semester since joining the university in 2012 until 2015. She graduated with first class honours with got high and excellent in her last GPA, 3.534 and CGPA which is 3.624.
Nurul Iffah, from Kuala Lumpur who was born at 25 June 1992, had been one of the excellent students since her primary and secondary school. “In what you do, do it perfectly as you can!,” said Nurul Iffah. This is her motto, which is very sentimental and important that has encouraged her to study and work successful and excellent.
She very particular in what she does, because for her, “As a Muslim, we need to do everything in our life with jiddiyyah (struggle) to prove to others that a Muslim is strong and excellent”.
This is always motivated her to struggle and study hard till success in her study. According to her, a strong and excellent Muslim is a man who is excel in her or his life by using every legal (halal) and ethical ways which is in line based on our Syari’ah, not the wrong way which is unethical and haram. Being the dean’s list, students must not just obtain high GPA and CGPA, but they must have good ethics and moral as well, including holding their Islamic values in life.
Nurul Iffah, well known as Iffah, very loves to reading, cleaning and surf the internet. According to Iffah too, successful in academic, not only mean we got all straight ‘A’ in our result, but being successful in academic also means dividing your time with your family, friends and also involve to co-curricular activities.
Besides from being excellent academically by got Dean’s List every semester, she also active in her co-curricular by got 545 total points and 3.63 as co-curricular cumulative point which remarks as excellent. Iffah has been active in extracurricular activities like being in the vice president two of the Journalism Club, IIUM at year 2014/2015, joined the kulliyyah and mahallah activities and become a part of committee of Taaruf Weeks. With all her participation and involvement, her main focus is to gain experiences and knowledge.
Besides focus on academic, we need to involve and socialize. Our study and our activities must be balanced and we need manage our time properly.
Successful students know how to succeed because they have made their studies their top priority. Though it is important to make time for friends, family, extra-curricular activities, and even some solo down time, we should never neglect the time we need to spend studying. If we have a big exam coming up and do not feel prepared, then we should probably skip the big party or so on at least two days before it r as our preparation of that exam or quiz.
Be smart student with smart plan and work hard to achieve our goal.
Besides that, Iffah believes that, the true definition of excellent and successful student is getting mardhatillah (blessing from God) in everything what we do. Besides that, she is very concerned with her relationship with Allah SWT and also towards human being. To become successful person, these two aspects that we need to take care and take noted.
In our Islamic teaching, we need to concern of two elements which is “hablun minanallah wa hablun minannas” which mean that, whereby we fulfill our obligations toward Allah, we also need fulfill and responsible to take care relationship with man such as our parents, friends and lectures.
Iffah said that, “we cannot disobey what Allah has decreed on us what to do and do not forget Allah and always remember the main purpose of why He created us in this world”. As a Muslim, if we pay no attention to our relationship with Allah, then all your efforts will be wasted and zero.
She also shared that, besides that, we need to respect others in our life and the most important respect and ask blessing from your parents. Regarding to become a great student, Iffah said, “Do not forget to do all assignments and do not delay any task. What need to be finished must be finished on time”.
Then, she further explained that, “Be an honest student by avoid plagiarism, go early to class and listen attentively to lectures”.
One of the factors why she can perform very well in her studies is because of the full attention that she gives during the lecture conducted in the class. She will make sure that she understands the topic during class time. If she does not, she will directly ask and meet the lecturer or ask her friends. “Actually, I do not study much and do not study hard in exam, but what I did is listen attentively and pay attention by focus 100% towards the lecturer in class,” said Iffah.
During in facing exams, she said that, she only did some revisions by revised twice or three times in what she have learned in class and also rewrite the note in every exam. She further described, “When you understand the topic in the class, you can be relaxed once you get back to your room”.
Successful students know how to focus on their studies when it matters while also taking breaks when they need them. They can manage their time wisely, stick to meaningful study schedules, and make the most of their time in the classroom. In the process, successful students also know how to have a good time, and love gaining knowledge as much as they enjoy getting good grades.
According to Iffah, students need to know the right ways to them in order to control and manage their time and emotion. Most students will become ‘crazy’ and stress with examination. Exam is a part of medium to measure our understanding.
She said, “Exam is a normal thing in education nowadays, so I do feel nervous in facing exams. Just revising smartly and sufficiently and then put tawakkal to Allah SWT”. These ways really made her fell peace and relax.
Then, Iffah continued her sharing in order to overcome and manage our stress during revision. She said, “In managing stress, doing fun activities such as window shopping and eating outside IIUM, these are best therapy that de-stress me a lot and during revision”.
According to her experience, when she felt stressed and bored during study and revision, she will stop immediately and after gained her spirit, she will continued started her revision and study.
“A normal student wills always facing a problem called laziness, so that's why we need a true friend who can help us by give advice and motivation to us”, said Iffah.
Therefore, by having good friends is a part of factor that will help us to struggle in our study. Best friend is the one who when we seeing him or her, it will make us remember to Allah SWT, when we speaking to him or her, it will increase our knowledge and lastly, and what she or he do, it will remind us of the Hereafter. Friend is like our mirror, one hadith from our Prophet, Muhammad SAW said; “A person is likely to follow the faith of his friend, so look whom you bestfriend”. (Reported by Abu Dawood and Tirmidzi)
Regarding to the best experience during her time at IIUM, she said that, the best experience is whe she got to know many friends and lecturer in various Kulliyyah at IIUM and also from that, she got to know herself better and improve her communication and interpersonal skills. Have fun in IIUM, because this is one of the best places to study, not only about our subject but everything.
Lastly, Iffah shared and pointed out ten tips and advises for the younger generation of IIUMs’ students who will graduate with excellence and successful, which are; first, perform obligatory solah and make pray (Doa) to Allah SWT always, second is respect and obey your parent, third is always be courtesy and respect to lecturers and take care our attitude (adab) to them in order gaining knowledge and the fourth is be punctual and go early to class before the lecture came and enter the class.
Next, her fifth’s tip is focus and listen attentively to lectures in class and also try to remember it, sixth is do consultation with lecturers when needed and do not shy to ask the question if we do not understand and unclear, seventh is do your assignment properly, submit on time and the most important is avoid plagiarism, eighth is do revision early and have your own notes, ninth is choose a good friends and be a good friend to other and lastly take opportunity in co-curricular activities at IIUM. As we well know that, IIUM is a place that has plenty of knowledge, so take opportunity to explore it.
Iffah hope that, all these tips will helps and encourage students to study and get excellent result in their exam and also their life. Remember that, we have many chance and opportunity, so grab it now and always be grateful.
*** May Allah SWT give us strength and chance to be successful person in our life and let’s study hard and study smart. Do not give up!
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